Saturday, December 31, 2011


HAPPY NEW YEAR Fellow Thrill Seekers!!


Motorcycle Picture of the Week - Stef

Here are my Pictures of the Week as displayed on the Motorcycle Views Website. These pictures are taken from the Moto Pic Gallery. See Stef's Self-Made Harley-Davidson Evo Chopper under Bikes Only. There are no Women on Motorcycles, Trikes Only, or Men on Motorcycles this week. We need more pictures of men and women with their motorcycles. Get your picture in. For details, see Motorcycle Pictures of the Week.


American saddle on a British mount....hmmmm

Friday, December 30, 2011


Piaggio Recalls Fly 50, Vespa LX50, and Vespa S50 for Ignition Problem

Piaggio is recalling certain model year 2011-2012 Fly 50 4T 4-valve scooters, model year 2010-2012 Vespa LX50 4T 4-valve scooters, and model year 2009-2012 Vespa S50 4T 4-valve scooters.

The ignition control unit may fail and alter the ignition timing.

2147 units are affected.

Check out my Motorcycle Recalls feature for more details.



Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Mau Beli Motor Sport? Tunggu Saja Tahun 2012 ! !

sahabat otoMan, kali ini kita akan sedikit meramal n memberi ceramah ,hahha agar tidak tersesat,, waw, hahaha

Tahun 2012 ini diprediksi akan terjadi booming produk motor sport.
Ya,emang tidak heran mengingat pabrikan besar seperti pabrikan Honda n Yamaha melakukan penguatan segmen dari motor bebek, kemudian motor skutik barulah motor sport.

Setelah segmen motor bebek dan skutik dikuasai pabrikan Honda maka perang terakhir adalah motor sport.
Di sinilah menariknya persaingan antar pabrikan motor,hampir seluruh pabrikan punya produk motor sport sehingga persaingan di segmen ini pasti lebih keras.
Pabrikan Honda tidak akan mudah menguasai segmen ini, memang di kelas 150cc sang Raja masih Yamaha V-ixion tapi honda tidak mau diam honda baru2 ini mengeluarkan pamungkas mereka yaitu CBR 150cc nya.
suzuki pun tidak mau diam, di perkirakan suzuki akan ikut campur dalam perang, jangan di lupakan KAWASAKI,MINERVA,BAJAJ,VIAR ,dan TVS, tentunya mereka tidak mau diamsaja melihat perang yang semakin panas
namun di kelas bergengsi seperti segmen 250 cc Kawasaki Ninja 250R masih sanggup menjadi kelas raja paling bergengsi.

jadi tunggu saja tahun 2012 , kumpulin uang dulu yang banyak ,,, hahha trus bagi ane, heheh sikat saja gann kalo dah keluar, ahahah
sekian dulu sahabat otoMan semoga info tadi bermanfaat, ok (otoMan)


Yamaha Akan Luncurkan 3 Motor Injection

sahabat otoMan , kali ini kita akan sedikit membahas tentang motor baru Yamaha.
Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia sepertinya tidak mao ketinggalan dari para pesaingnya terutama setelah Astra Honda Motor.
Mengacu pada peraturan pemerintah melalui Keputusan Menteri Lingkungan Hidup (LH) Nomor 141/2003 tentang Standar Emisi Euro 2, teknologi mesin motor harus menggunakan fuel injection. Sistem pengabutan injeksi sangat ramah lingkungan, hemat bahan bakar dan mudah perawatannya. Karena itu, teknologi dengan basis bahan bakar injeksi sudah harus diberlakukan. Teknologi Fuel Injection (FI) merupakan teknologi yang tepat untuk menggantikan karburator. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan kondisi sisa pembakaran yang dihasilkan motor bermesin injeksi.

Memasuki tahun 2012, PT Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia (YMKI) semakin gencar untuk mengaplikasikan teknologi FI pada motor rilisan pabrikan berlogo garpu tala ini. Untuk teknologi ramah lingkungan itu, Yamaha sudah mengaplikasikannya pada Vixion. Selain itu, Yamaha juga cukup serius untuk terus menggenjot motor dengan teknologi FI. Dari beberapa produk motor Yamaha, hanya Vixion yang menggunakan sistem pengabutan ramah lingkungan tersebut.

Menurut rencana, YMKI akan kembali merilis varian-varian motor terbaru dengan mesin fuel injection tahun 2012 mendatang. Tidak tanggung-tanggung, Yamaha bersiap meluncurkan tiga motor sekaligus. Hal ini dikatakan langsung oleh Service Manager PTYMKI, Syahrial.

“Ini sebagai jawaban kalau Yamaha sudah mempersiapkan motor-motor baru dengan sistem injeksi. Paling tidak ada tiga varian yang sudah dipersiapkan. Kendati demikian, saya tidak mau terlalu jauh membahas ini, tunggu nanti saja kalau sudah siap,” ujarnya, di Ciwalk, Bandung saat acara final ITGP 2011, kemarin (27/11/11).

predikisi saya sih Yamaha sendiri rencananya pada awal tahun 2012 akan meluncurkan 3 varian motor dengan sistem injeksi yaitu Yamaha Mio Sporty, Yamaha Mio Soul dan Yamaha Jupiter Z.

Syahrial menambahkan bahwa Yamaha sudah siap menghadapi kompetisi pasar otomotif roda dua tahun 2012 mendatang. Selain persiapan tiga motor baru, Yamaha juga sudah merancang strategi untuk menyodok penjualan. Tidak hanya itu, keseriusan juga ditunjukan pada bagian servis dan peralatan pendukung yang semakin berkualitas dan siap melayani masyarakat Indonesia.

Waw tahun 2012 bakal perang motor injection neh, ngomong - ngomong bengkel dan mekanik sudah pada siap lom ya? nanti kalo pas lagi rusak binggung lagi mao benerin dimana. hehehehe

ok sekian dulu sahabat otoMan pembahasan kaki ini, semoga prediksi saya benar hahha karna saya memakai jampi2 dari mbah dukun,, hahah (otoMan)


A Bit of Linky Love

I was trying to come up with something clever to say about riding in cold weather, and then I saw that Steve over at Scooter in the Sticks had beat me to the punch.  I'm going to try out his tip about warming one's hands on the headlight tomorrow morning....


Bikers Expressway is Live

Bikers Expressway

"The hottest motorcycle deals on the information highway"

Bikers Expressway is your one-stop source for the latest deals on gear, clothing, equipment, and accessories from hundreds of leading motorcycle retailers. Whether you ride a sport bike, cruiser, adventure, touring, sport touring, dual sport, scooter or trike, we give you the answers you need to make informed shopping decisions. We sort through hundreds of sales and promotions and publish the best of them for our readers. We share only what we feel is a great deal and would recommend to other riders.

Bikers Expressway is your first and only place to stop before shopping. You will only find the newest and best deals, all in one place. As your one-stop shopping resource we will save you money and more importantly, your valuable time. With all the motorcycle specials in one place, all you have to do is check Bikers Expressway website or subscribe to our mailing list and start enjoying the savings.

So, if you're tired of surfing from site to site searching for deals, or tired of getting several emails a day, come to Bikers Expressway. Here, no matter what you ride, you will find big savings every time you shop!

Don't miss out! Sign up for my free Bikers Expressway's Email Alerts and get the best Motorcycle Deals delivered straight to your inbox.

I welcome your emails at

Thank you for visiting & ride on,


Friday, December 23, 2011


Prediksi Motor Sport Baru kelas 250cc tahun 2012

sahabat otoMan ,,
kali ini kita akan membahas tentang prediksi motor-motor kelas 250cc,sepertinya tahun depan akan semakin seru, karna banyak pabrikan sudah berani mengeluarkan tajinya,,
mereka memasarkan produk-produk mereka,dan berlomba-lomba menarik perhatian para konsumennya,
ok lansung saja sikatt gann :
kawasaki memang sudah bertempur duluan sebelum yanglain bermunculan
dengan senjata utamanya yaitu "KAWASAKI NINJA 250cc"nya dia telah memikat para konsumen di indonesia
dengan tampilan full firing, gahar, dan performa yang mumpuni. di perkirakan tahun depan KAWASAKI akan meluncurkan tipe barunya, *kitatunggusaja

MINERVA muncul setelah kawasaki meramaikan kelas 250cc, pabrikan asal jerman ini muncul dan mengeluarkan taringnya dengan meluncurkan 4 motor langsung dengan type yang berbeda yaitu:
type full fairingnya MEGELLI 250CC RE & RV

Kemunculan honda bisa di bilang cukup telat tapi belum telat sekali, ini terlihat dengan di sambut gembiranya motor andalan mereka oleh para konsumen setia HONDA
honda meluncurkan CBR 250ccnya dengan menyongsong mesin berinjeksi motor itu mempunyai kelebihan dari pesainya yang lain.


SUZUKI di bilang telatsekali karna kedua pesaing berat mereka sudah melangkah duluan. suzuki baru akan mengeluarkan andalan mereka di tahun depan dengan andalanya yaitu "GW 250"
Nah, kalau ini info dari blog india kalau KTM akaun memasukan KTM duke 250 6 bulan setelah peluncuran di India akir tahun ini..kita tunggu saja ok broo

sepertinya sekian dulu pembahasan kali ini semoga bermanfaat, mkita tunggu saja tahun depan apakah persaingannya semakin ketat,, waaawwww ^_^ (otoMan)


Putting the Soul back into Solstice

The Original Reason for the Season

All things are connected. Did you know that this is the origin of The Yin and Yang symbol? The ancient Chinese projected the line that the shadow of a pole makes on a gridded circle for a period of a year and then darked one side.

The days will now be getting longer!


Happy Holidays!

Lady Luck and Santa Claus have both said something about me "splattering [myself] across the roadway like a douche" if I were to get a Ducati Superbike for Christmas.  I'm a little worried the holiday might pass without finding a bright red bike under the tree.

But, really, who needs a shiny new high performance Italian motorcycle that makes 195 horsepower and only weighs 361 pounds when I've got a wonderful family and wonderful friends.   I'll gladly take the treasures I'm lucky to have over a fussy motorcycle any day.

Though, I wouldn't kick it out of my garage if it showed up.  Just saying.

Best wishes for you and yours!

[Stoppie Santa photo stolen from SportBikes.Net.]


"The Commuter" by The Southsiders


For most of us, our first experience of two wheels is cycling. For me, this is where it all started.

There is an important road cycling culture in France and every summer during the 1970s we'd watch the Tour de France on TV with passion. I was fascinated by the aesthetics and technology of these machines and the bravery and skill of the riders. Then one day I discovered motorbikes, and from then on I thought bicycles would hold no more interest for me, feeling very proud sat astride a throbbing machine.

After becoming a city dweller I considered using a bicycle again as a quick and economical mode of transport. In recent years and under various influences, our sons for example, we have seen the rise of the BMX and fixie phenomenon.

We really liked this mix of urban culture.

With my friend Benoit, we finished the "CP project" in late 2009, when the challenge to build our own bicycle began. For this, our friend Med, thanks to his experience, was the ideal partner. Owner of the Focale 44 brand in Andorra, he supplied a frame modified according to our needs. A beautiful road frame, lightweight and singlespeed ready.

For simplicity and aesthetic reasons we wanted a pure and radical design, free of any superfluous parts.

We opted for a brakeless front hub and a rear coaster brake hub, keeping the handlebar clear of any components in order to keep the lines clean. We also developed an integrated lighting concept, with lights designed into the seatstays and handlebar.As we did not like the style of modern stems, we developed our own. Similarly, we also developed our own cranks, chain guides and wheelnuts.

All these parts have been manufactured and painted by our wizard friend Momo, whose skills need no introduction. As a final touch the seat has been finished in leather by our saddler, Claude Carrière.
We have created this bicycle as if it were a Christmas present to ourselves. However, a limited edition is in production and is available to buy. Prices vary depending on selected options.
Please contact us for more

La première expérience à deux roues est en général le vélo, c'est par là que personnellement tout a commencé.
En France, nous avons une tradition du vélo de course, tous les étés, dans les années 70, nous regardions avec passion le Tour de France à la télévision. J'étais fasciné par l'aspect esthétique et technique de ces machines et l'héroïsme des coureurs.Un jour, la moto est entrée dans ma vie, j'ai alors longtemps pensé que le vélo n'avait plus d'intérêt, me sentant très fier sur une machine vrombissante.
C'est en venant habiter dans une grande ville que j'ai à nouveau songé à utiliser la bicyclette comme moyen de déplacement rapide et économique. Ces dernières années, sous diverses influences, celles de nos fils par exemple, nous avons vu éclore le phénomène BMX puis fixed gear.
Ce mix de culture urbaine était fait pour nous plaire...

Avec mon ami Benoit, nous venions de terminer le "CP project" fin 2009, lorsque le pari de construire notre propre vélo fût lancé. Pour cela, nôtre ami "Med" grâce à son expérience, était le partenaire tout désigné. Propriétaire de la marque "Focale 44" en Andorre, il nous a fourni le cadre de leur conception, modifié selon nos besoins, un beau cadre street léger et singlespeed.

Nous avons souhaité, pour des raisons de simplicité et d'esthétique, un vélo aux lignes pures et radicales dénué en apparence de tout superflu.
Nous avons opté pour un moyeu avant sans frein et un moyeu arrière à rétropédalage, dégageant le guidon de tout accessoire afin de préserver la ligne.Nous avons développé un concept d'éclairage "intégré" dans les haubans du cadre et dans le guidon. L' estéthique des systèmes de potence actuels ne nous plaisant pas... nous avons aussi développé la nôtre ainsi que le pédalier, le guide-chaine et les papillons de roues.Nous avons confié la réalisation de ces éléments ainsi que le travail de peinture à nôtre sorcier et ami Momo, dont les talents ne sont plus à démontrer...Et pour finir la selle a été recouverte de cuir par notre sellier Claude Carrière.

Nous avons crée ce vélo, un peu comme notre cadeau de Noël. Cependant, nous avons d'ores et déjà mis en fabrication une série limitée si vous souhaitez en faire l'acquisition.Les prix varient en fonctions des options choisies.
Pour plus d'informations:

Photos by Benoit Guerry for


Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Photographic Evidence, Per Request

You asked for it, you got it.  I stopped on my way home last night to get a photo of the strip club from this post, and took another photo in the dark this morning. 

Unfortunately, I was running a bit late this morning and the sun was already rising, so the lights don't show up as well as I'd like.  Also, the effect is much more impressive when zipping past at 45mph.

Click to embiggen.

Inviting, eh?
Tranformed into a holiday wonderland.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Delightful Instructional Video On How To Change Your Oil

Apparently, this video demonstrates the proper way to change the oil for an SR500.

If you're like me, you'll find it entertaining even if you don't own an SR500.

(Thanks to The 520 Chain Cafe)


Olivier Mosset... Motorcycle Lover


Two years ago , we published with the help of my friend Emmanuel Brunet a first post about Olivier Mosset. A few months ago, Emmanuel sent me what we could qualify as an "Essay" talking about the same Guy - Olivier Mosset - but not only... Emmanuel was talking about his vision of art in general... I found this text very intense and so clear, I wanted to post this one too...

thank you Emmanuel

In 1977 our friend Emmanuel Brunet was an 18 year old Fine Arts Student, in Bordeaux, when he became fascinated by the discovery of a bold & irreverent text, published by an artistic movement, known as the BMPT, in 1967.

Emmanuel says:
The BMPT, was a bunch of guys formed by Daniel Buren, Olivier Mosset, Michel Parmentier & Neil Toroni. These guys were creating murals, painting black circles over white backgrounds or black vertical stripes over white surfaces. They liked to consider themselves : the "Ground Zero of Painting"

The text red: "As painting is a game, as paint is tuning or detuning colors. As paint is applying (consciously or not) rules for composition. As painting is enhancing the gesture. As painting is representing the outside (or interpreting it, or appropriating it, or showing it!). As painting is offering a springboard for imagination. As painting is illustrating the interiority. Because painting is a justification. As paint is useful. As painting is done according to the rules of aesthetics, flowers, women, eroticism, the everyday environment, art, dada, psychoanalysis, war in Vietnam... WE ARE NOT PAINTERS. "

The BMTP, wanted to get loose on form convictions, or any other artistic structure aimed to limit the path or space for any painted expression to be classified as art. They refused to be considered painters. They just wanted to be seen as a group of people that exhibited their work in galleries.

Emmanuel says:
For me this bunch were just another reflection of the nihilist punk reasoning that was exploding across world culture In 1977. Punk bands were growing like shrooms, and the band members were not musicians! They were just groups of guys that played loud music. Their tempos were fast and slang. Their messages were rude and scarce.
Like the BMPT bunch they yelled... WE ARE NOT MUSICIANS!

The spark that ignited this essay, was the casual find of Harley Davidson Chopper picture, belonging to a certain Olivier Mosset. The bike showed a tank paint in a rugged Jackson Pollock style. Some research after I had already found a portrait of Olivier, while living in the USA(Tucson AZ.), with the bike & himself styling a neat perfect biker look. The finding provoked my surprise, as I found interesting how our "No Painter" from the 70's, had evolved from the most minimal of minimalisms to an over the top custom chopper habitude.

This incongruence, (only so if we applied a simplistic eye), in O.Mosset's endeavor, gave me a second thought. The history of Harley Davidson has rocketed through time since its early 1900s birth, and has meant and served as many symbols, icons or ideals to different generations. In a way I realized that a Harley Chopper was not just a motorcycle, as the BMPT were not painters or the punksters were not musicians!

At the time, the B.M.P.T.'s aim, was to demonstrate how derisory in the arts, is the cult of personality. They loved to play hide and seek, sometimes, showing off how their paintings were dominated by the style of another member of the group.It is just the same with a Harley modifying culture, There is an author, a spark, in all currents, but his "work is all over the place" and the status of its creator fades away.

Like Olivier Mosset - talking of himself as an"artist before being a painter" - based on the principles of neutrality, deletion and radicalism, I always questioned the logics & limits of painting. The same logic is applied when my path crosses that of a biker. I always have this strange feeling: "That's the kind of a biker who's not just a biker..!".

I guess you might feel the same.


Olivier Mosset is born in 1944 in Berne, He lives and works inTucson (Arizona). Member of BMTP group in 1966 with Daniel Buren, Niele Toroni and Michel Parmentier,first installed in NYC in 1977. Bibliography : Olivier Mosset : Travaux 1966-2003/Arbeiten 1966-2003/Works 1966-2003, Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne - Kunstverein St Gallen, 2003.

Emmanuel Brunet lives in Paris, is creative Director at Baurepaire Agency and fashion Magazine Technikart Mademoiselle

Thanks a lot to El Solitario for the heroic translation



Kuryakyn Recalls Defective Floorboards for GL1800 Motorcycles

Kuryakyn is recalling certain aftermarket floorboards, part number 607005, sold and installed for use on 2001-2011 Honda GL1800 (Gold Wing) motorcycles.

The floorboard mount may crack and break free from the mounting bolts that secure the mount to the motorcycle.

21,600 units are affected.

Check out my Motorcycle Recalls feature for more details.

Monday, December 19, 2011


Mobil Sport Nissan G37 yang Terbuat dari Emas Murni

 sahabat otoMan kali ini kita akan membahas tentang mobil paling keren ^_^. gmna ga keren orang ni mobil di buat dari emas asli,, gila aja,, ya udah deh cek it dot...

Mobil Sport Nissan G37 yang Terbuat dari Emas Murni

       Kerumunan penonton terkejut berkumpul di dekat pusat perbelanjaan di Nanjing, Cina timur, untuk melihat mobil, mewah G37 diparkir di dekat toko perhiasan. G37 - model mewah terbaru dari Infiniti, merek yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan Nissan. Mobil emas dibuat dalam iklan untuk perusahaan perhiasan Nanjing. Tapi sayang mobil mewah tersebut harus disita pihak kepolisian Cina. Berikut foto-foto Mobil Sport Nissan G37 yang Terbuat dari Emas Murni tersebut.

apa gwe bilang gann.. mantap kan,, hahah eitt jangan ngebayangin loh punya mobil emas kaya gini,, ga bakal kesampaian,, hahha yang ada gila ,,weww ^_^ ok gann sekian dulu pembahasan kali ini,,kita sambung lagi kapan2,,, (otoMan)