Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sometimes, You Gotta Be a Jerk

There are a wide variety of dumbasses out on the road, and some of them just tick me off. Cagers who want to race, in particular, annoy me. I think some of these people have control issues, and a "need" to be in front of everybody.

Yesterday I got cut off downtown by some dude in a grey Corolla/whatever-typical-sedan. That's fine. I mean, I don't appreciate getting cut off, but I can deal with it and not go into a fuming rage. I don't need to outrun anyone just to wait at another red light.

Anyway, sensible-auto-man cut me off. Naturally, that meant he had to wait at the red light longer than me. I changed lanes to be first in line at the light.

I was mildly amused to see him creeping forward, in order to stay in front of me a bit, as I reached the light.. I wasn't blocking his view of traffic (he couldn't turn left anyway, it's a one way street going the other way), which meant he just had to be ahead of me.

So I crept forward to see what he'd do.

He moved up.

I giggled madly and moved further ahead. He moved to match me. I could hear his little cager-control-freak-temper boiling. I knew he was going to want to tear ahead of me, so I revved my motor a few times to let him know he wasn't going to get by me.

Normally I wouldn't sit there revving my motor- just so we're clear - but sometimes you gotta be a jerk.

The light turned green and he tore off. I, meanwhile, rode ahead at a reasonable and prudent speed. After all, there was another red light a block down.

I laughed the whole way down the block.