Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Superstitious Bikers

If you see a penny face-up on the ground, you should pick it up - it's lucky. Face-down, you should flip it over with your foot or a stick and leave it for the next person.

I am not a superstitious person, though I've always had a keen interest in the superstitions other people follow. Superstitions are a part of our folklore and myths, "us" being the world at large.

Furthermore, I think superstitions "work" for some people. When I was a kid in Little League, I had a lucky bat. It had some powerful mojo. I hit almost every time I went to bat, and I developed a reputation as a power-hitter (for little league). It worked great, until an umpire took my bat away, saying it didn't meet regulations. I played terribly for the rest of the season.

Did the bat itself actually improve my game? No. I believed it did, though, and it gave me the confidence I needed to play well.

Bikers are a superstitious lot. It makes sense, we play with dangerous and tempermental toys, so looking for extra good luck makes sense in an illogical sort of way. I've got a ride bell on my VX800, and I swear that - while it still ran - that thing kept the bike from breaking down. Now, in my logical brain, I know it's nonsense, but hearing that bell jingling was soothing all the same.

This morning I pulled in to park, and noticed a penny on the ground where I was about to stop the bike. It was face up. I debated whether I should leave it under the bike (thereby passing luck to the Triumph), or pick it up and bring it with me.

I picked it up.

Have you got any crazy biker superstitions?