Thursday, April 3, 2008

Thursday's Cottage Cheese Brain Link List

I'm tired and can't think of anything worth writing about, so until I come up with something, here's some links!

To mark the end of Arizona Bike Week, Saxon motorcycles is having an open house. So if you like motorcycles with names like "Broadsword" and "Warlord" and "Griffin" and "Thac0" why not stop by?

Here's an amusing article about why ATGATT (all the gear, all the time) is the way to go. I think he makes his point well. Also, he quotes an opposing USA Today opinion article that, true to form, is so stupid it's laughable. Motorcycles kill more people than high profile airplane crashes and pipeline explosions COMBINED??? OMGWTFBBQ!!! We're all gonna DIE! AAAAAHH! Because, you know, so many people die in high profile airplane crashes and pipeline explosions every year. Shoot, more people die of heart disease every year than airplane crashes and pipeline explosions, but most people still have hearts. More people die in CARS than in airplane crashes and pipeline explosions, but I don't see auto sales going down.

I can't wait until there's a proper, sporting electric street bike. But until then, there's this thing.