I love this photo from Robert Capa, one of my personal hero. She was taken in Indochina , shortly before his own dead.
But did you know that he was the only official photographer in the US army to cover the D Day on June 6.
Despite the difficulty, he shot 2 films, about sixty pics "only", and just after he gave them under the bombs to a messenger, who had to run to the "Life" Agency in London to reveal them. A Laboratory error, (to much heat in the bathes) destroyed fifty pics!
Today there's only eleven real photos from the D-DAY. All the Robert Capa's Works. Shortly after, he decided to found the first photographer agency: "Magnum" with his friend Henri Cartier-Bresson
One of the" Eleven " saved from the bathes.
If yo want to know more about the uncommon life of Robert Capa:

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