I always wanted to have a headliner that read that... "FROM THE EDITOR"....
Today is Friday June 5Th, 2009. This year is slipping by quickly. But I've already lamented on that...so it's up to me to find something else to wax and wane about. Oh don't worry...when I'm in the mood, I can wax and wane with the best of em!
This weekend is a busy one around the local area. Right here at home in Elzibethton, we have Covered Bridge Days.
My town is very proud of their covered bridge...as they should be, I have to get some pictures of it today in the new season...the trees surrounding the banks and shading the entries and exits of the bridge are in full regalia...
the waters beneath the bridge are sporting brighter colors...I believe the bridge will photograph as a warm and lovely spot to bring your sweetie for a romantic packed picnic lunch... Perhaps I wouldn't call it romantic during these celebration days this weekend...but the rest of the summer days? I wouldn't hesitate to bring my sweetie here for solitude and beauty...and it's right in the center of the historic district...who'da thunk we could have solitude there?
Another thing going on here this weekend is the Cherokee Pow Wow meeting at Sycamore Sychools. That will be starting on Sat. at 10 AM... I will ride my bike over with my camera...attending that will be a MUST. I'm eager for that one as well.
Also, in Johnson City is the celebration of the Plum...Why the plum? Hell if I know, I haven't read up on this celebration...guess I should before I go around talking about it...Mom always said "If ya don't have anything good to say, then shut up." I'm shutting up now.
The Wall That Healsis going to be in town this weekend. I will go to that as well. I have pictures of the mini wall from Charleston SC as well as from Melbourne, Florida... I try hard not to miss it...

I'm also going to try and get what books I have at the new store in a kind of genre and author order...this is the hard part. Because it means you have to handle each book...and once I do that, I find it impossible not to really check it out to see if it is something I would like to read.... Oh lord...how do you keep from doing time wasting stuff like that? I'll have to work on my impulse control switch...it seems to be working intermittently....
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